Class RrpcInterfaceMeta


public class RrpcInterfaceMeta extends Object
Contains the meta-data about a remote proxy REST interface.

Captures the information in @Remote annotations for caching and reuse.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RrpcInterfaceMeta

      public RrpcInterfaceMeta(Class<?> c, String uri)
      c - The interface class annotated with a @Remote annotation.
      Note that the annotations are optional.
      uri - The absolute URL of the remote REST interface that implements this proxy interface.
      This is only used on the client side.
  • Method Details

    • getMethodsByPath

      Returns a map of all methods on this interface proxy keyed by HTTP path.
      A map of all methods on this remote interface keyed by HTTP path.
      The keys never have leading slashes.
      The map is never null.
    • getMethodMeta

      Returns the metadata about the specified method on this interface proxy.
      m - The method to look up.
      Metadata about the method or null if no metadata was found.
    • getMethodMetaByPath

      Returns the metadata about the specified method on this interface proxy by the path defined on the method.
      p - The HTTP path to look for.
      Metadata about the method or null if no metadata was found.
    • getJavaClass

      public Class<?> getJavaClass()
      Returns the Java class of this interface.
      The Java class of this interface.
      Never null.
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Returns the HTTP path of this interface.
      The HTTP path of this interface.
      Never null.
      Never has leading or trailing slashes.